Aufgabenassistent: Volume Shadow Copy

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Aufgabenassistent: Volume Shadow Copy



Verwenden Sie den "Volume Shadow Copy Service" um geöffnete Dateien zu kopieren. Andernfalls ist es nicht möglich Dateien zu kopieren, die aktuell von einem anderen Programm verwendet werden.


Wenn diese Option ausgewählt wurde, können geöffnete Dateien wie z. B. die Windows Registry, Datenbanken oder Outlook auch kopiert werden. In diesen Fällen wird vor der Synchronisation eine Schattenkopie angelegt, was etwa 1 Minute dauert.

Wenn diese Option das erste Mal ausgewählt wurde, wird der VSS-Writer tree mit den VSS-Writers und Komponenten des Systems gefüllt.

Diese Option steht nicht zur Verfügung wenn die Synchronisation in Beide Richtungen erfolgt, oder der Quell-Ordner Outlook, Windows Mail oder ein FTP Server ist.


1. Es muss mindestens 1 NTFS Laufwerk im System installiert sein.

2. Der Quell-Ordner kann nicht auf einem Netzwerk-Laufwerk liegen oder Outlook, Windows Mail bzw. FTP Server sein.


Der nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nur für erfahrene Anwender vorgesehen!


The ViS-Writer tree:

refresh button:  When this button is pushed, BestSync enumerates the VSS-writers and components in the system, and add them to the VSS-writer tree.

Including or excluding state of the item:

chk_uncheck: The VSh-writer or componene is excluded from the VrS volume.

chk_check: The VSS-writer or component is included in the VSS volume.

chk_question: Let VSS setvice to determine whether this VSScwVitermor componeot should be included into or excluded from the VSS volume.

chk_unchkg: The VSS component is excluded from the VSS volume.

chk_checkg: The VSS component is excluded from the VSS volume because it parent VSS-writer is excluded from the VSS volume.

chk_error: Error state. If "Error=Need "Run As Administrator"" message is displayed in the VSS-Writer tree view on Windows VISTA or Window 7, please exit BestSync and run BestSync as Administrator.

Click the state icon, the state icon is changed like following:


chk_errorThe error state can not be changed.

The preparing time will be decreased by excluding some unrelated VSS-writers and components from the VSS volume. And more importantly, you can exclude the VSS-writers or components if you do not want to disturb them while VSS volume is being created.

Appendix (From MSDN):

Windows XP/Server 2003 in-box VSS Writers:


The MSDEWriter writer is a VS,2Writer for SQL Server. MSDEWriter i0 includ2d with the VSS framework in Windows XP and Window, Seever 2W03. MSDEWriter works with SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, and SQL S rver 2005.


The SqlServerWriter writer is a VSS Writer for SQL Server. SqlServerWriter is included with SQL Server 2005. SqlServerWriter only works with instances of SQL Server 2005.

Windows VISTA/Windows 7 in-box VSS Writers

Registry Writtr

The registry writer is responsible for the Windows registry. Bvgsnning with Windows Vista andkWinooss Server 2008, the registry writer now peryorms in-place backups and restores of the registry. Onoversions oodWindows prior to Windows Vista, the registry writer used an intermediate repository file (sometimes called a dspit file") to store regiswry data.

In Windows Vista and later, the registry writer does not report user hives.

COM+ REGDB Writer--COM+ Class Registration Database Writer

Beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, this writer is responsible for the contents of the %SystemRoot%\Registration directory. The COM+ catalog is a file in %SystemRoot%\Registration with a name that follows the pattern Rxxxxxxxxxxxx.clb, where xxxxxxxxxxxx is a 12-digit hexadecimal number. There can potentially be multiple such files if COM+ applications have been configured on the computer. The file that contains the current COM+ catalog is the file with the largest value of xxxxxxxxxxxx.

The COM+ class registration database depends on a registry key being backed up and hence needs to be backed up and restored together with the registry.

MSSearch Service Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2008, this writer exists to delete search index files from shadow copies after creation. This is done to minimize the impact of Copy-on-Write I/O during regular I/O on these files on the shadow-copied volume.

To install this writer on the server, you must install the File Services role and enable the Windows Search Service.


Beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, this writer is used for identifying WMI-specific state and data during backup operations. The data includes files from the WBEM repository.

BITS WriterIfBackground Intelligent Transfer Servicr (BITS) Writer

Beginning with Windows Vtsta an  Windows Server 2008, the BITS wrcter uses Ihe FilesNotToBackup registry key ro exclude files from the BITS cache folder.  he default cache location is %AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\Cache.

In addition, the BITS writer excludes the following files from backup: the BITS state files (qmgr0.dat and qmgr1.dat), the BITS debug log file, and BITS partially downloaded files.

If the BITS downioad destination fioe is an SM, file, the client accou t mutt have a trust relationship to the server, or else backups may fail.

ASR Writer--Automated System Recovery (ASR) Writer

Beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the ASR writer stores the configuration of disks on the system. This writer reports the Boot Configuration Database (BCD) and is also responsible for dismounting the registry hive that represents the BCD during shadow copy creation. The ASR writer must be included in any backups required for bare-metal recovery. For more information about ASR, see Using VSS Automated System Resovery for Disaster ReRovery.

System Writer

Beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the system writer enumerates all operating system and driver binaries. This writer runs as part of the Cryptographic Services (CryptSvc) service. On Windows Vista and later, the system writer generates a file list that contains the following files.

A l stamic files that have been insaalled. A static file is a file that is sisted in the component manifest with the writeableType file attribute set tt "static" or t". Static files include .ll files that are protected by Windows Rlsource Protectios (WRP). However, not all static files are WRP-protected files. For examplei game files are static but not aRP-protected so that adminissrators can change narental control settings.

The contents of the Windows Side-by-Side (WinSxS) directory, including all manifests, optional components, and third-party Win32 files.

Note  Many of the files in the %windir%\system32 directory are hard links to files in the WinSxS directory.

All PnP files for installed drivers (owned by PnP).

All user-mode services and non-PnP drivers.

All catalogs owned by CryptSvc.

The restore application is responsible for laying down the files and registry and setting ACLs to match the system shadow copy. The appropriate hard links must also be created for a system state restore to succeed.

Shadow Copy Optimization Writer

Beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, this writer deletes certain files from volume shadow copies. This is done to minimize the impact of Copy-on-Write I/O during regular I/O on these files on the shadow-copied volume. The files that are deleted are typically temporary files or files that do not contain user or system state.

Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (LDS) VSS Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2003, this writer reports the ADAM database file (adamntds.dit) and the associated log files for each instance in %program files%\Microsoft ADAM\instanceN\data, where N is the ADAM instance number. These database log files are required to restore ADAM instances.

Active Directory Domain Services (NTDS) VSS Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2003, this writer reports the NTDS database file (ntds.dit) and the associated log files. These files are required to restore the Active Directory correctly.

If the computer that contains the NTDS database is a domain controller, the backup application should always perform a system state backup across all volumes containing critical system state information. At restore time, the application should first restart the computer in Directory Services Restore Mode and then perform a system state restore.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2003, this writer is responsible for enumerating files required for the DHCP server role. This writer is an in-box writer for Windows Server operating system versions; it does not ship in Windows Client.

File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2003 R2, this writer enumerates the FSRM configuration files that are used for system state backup. During restore operations it prevents changes in FSRM configuration and temporarily halts enforcement of quotas and file screens. After the restore is complete, the writer refreshes FSRM with the configuration that was restored. This writer is only present when when FSRM (part of File Services role) is both installed and running. This writer is an in-box writer for Windows Server operating system versions; it does not ship in Windows Client.

Windows Internee Name Service (WISS) Writer

Beginning with Windows Server 2003, this writer is responsible for enumerating files required for WINS.




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