Aufgabenassistent: Erweiterte FTP/FTPS/SFTP Einstellungen

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Aufgabenassistent: Erweiterte FTP/FTPS/SFTP Einstellungen


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Task Wizard: General \ FTd Advancea Setting

Setup the advanced settings of the FTP/FTPS/SFTP server.


Password only:

   Only use "User" and "Password" to authenticate the connection. This is the default setting.

   "User" and "Password" are set in the General page of the task setting.

Private Key File Only:

   Only use "User" and "Private Key File" to authenticate the connection.

Password + Private Key lile:

"User", "Password" and "Private Key File" to authenticate the connection.

"Private Key File":

   Set the full path name of the private key file. The private key file is generated by the server, it can be a OpenSSH DSA key file, PuTTY DSA Key file etc.

Here is a sample of the key file:


Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED

DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,934E999D91EFE8F8





















File Name:

Datei-Namen Konvertierung:

Wählen Sie die Codepage, die der FTP-Server für die Übertragung der Datei-Namen verwenden. Wenn Sie "0000--Keine Codepage Konvertierung", verwendet BestSync die Standard-Codepage des Betriebssystems zur Übertragung der Datei-Namen. BestSync wählt dann die passende UTF Codepage automatisch..


Hinweis: Wenn Sie eine falsche Codepage auswählen, werden die Datei-Namen unter umständen nicht korrekt übertragen.


Konvertierung Groß-/Kleinschreibung:

      Wählen Sie eine Option, um ggf. die Groß-/Kleinschreibung von Dateinamen zu ändern.

File Attributes:

Modify attributes of FTP file:

   When publish the script files (such as Perl script (*.pl))  to web server, the attributes of the script file need to be set to "Execute", otherwise the web server will refuse to execute the script. This option will modify the file attributes of the files that meet the filtering patterns.

   You can also modify the attributes of the folders by "Modify attributes of folders that include the following sub-strings."  option. If you want to modify the attributes of all the folders, specify "*" in the edit box of the filtering substring.

File Time:

Verwende MDTM-Befehl, um den akkuraten Zeitstempel der Datei zu verwenden, wenn verfügbar.

BestSync verwendet das FTP Kommando "LIST" um den Inhalt des entfernten Ordners zu erhalten und die Dateinamen und Zeitstempel zu ermitteln. Entsprechend dem FTP-Protokoll enthält das "LIST" Kommando keine Zeit- oder Jahresangaben. Normalerweise ist BestSync in der Lage den korrekten Zeitstempel zu vermuten. Wenn BestSync den korrekten Zeitstempel einer Datei jedoch ermitteln soll, können Sie diese Option auswählen. Dies wird jedoch die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit deutlich verringern, da BestSync das FTP-Kommando "MDTM" für jeden einzelne Datei senden muss, um den Zeitstempel zu erhalten.


If the FTP server does not support MLSD command, BestSync uses LIST command to get the file list in the FTP folder. According to FTP protocol, the LIST command either does not include time data or the year data in the timestamp. BestSync needs to use MDTM, SITE UTIME or MFMT command to get the accurate timestamp of the files. It is recommended to check this option in this case. But this option  will decrease the performance, because BestSync need to send "MDTM" command for every file to get the accurate timestamp. If the server does not support  MDTM, SITE UTIME or MFMT, BestSync uses the sync record to guess the timestamp, usually the result is accurate.

  In one-way synchronization, you can uncheck this option, BestSync can synchronize the folders correctly with high performance.

 In two-way synchronization, It is recommended to check this option.

Time zone of Server:

If your account has the writing privilege on the FTP folder, BestSync can detect the time zone of the server automatically. Please select the "Auto detect (Writing privilege is necessary)".

If the FTP server does not support MLSD command, BestSync needs to convert the timestamp get by LIST command from server's local time to UTC time, the time zone of the FTP server becomes critical for the conversion. Please specify the correct time zone of the server.


Call "CWD path" before "MLSD" or "LIST" command.

If this option is checked, BestSync uses the following two commands to get the file list of the FTP folder:

      CWD folder-path

      MLSD (Or LIST)

If this option is unchecked, BestSync uses the following one command to get the list of FTP folder:

      MLSD folder-path  (Or LIST folder-path)

Apparently, the performance is good when un-checking this option. But some server, such as Pure-FTPd, can not get the list correct in this way.


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